Tonka Bounceback RC Racer Review

Tonka Bounceback RC Racer  Review

The Tonka Bounceback Racer is an ingeniously designed little R/C (Radio Controlled) race car that plays well with kids as young as toddler age. Not only is it made of a semi-soft rubber outer layer that will not scuff or dent walls and corners, but it’s friendly to younger, inexperienced R/C drivers as it can completely flip and keep on moving. It’s got some downsides, as it runs through batteries fairly quickly (some report needing new batteries every two days). Also, the battery compartment itself is a bit of a pain to get to. Overall, though, most reviews point to this being a very fun introductory R/C car that will keep chugging in (and on) whatever you put it through.

CLICK HERE To Get The Best Price We Could Find On The Tonka Bounceback Racer!

Tonka Bounceback Racer Features

The body of the car is about 9” x9” x 3”. It needs one 9V battery for the handset and six “AA” batteries for the vehicle. None of these are included, so be sure to pick some up before the little one sees it so it’ll be ready for some racing. The body of the car is made of a tough rubber, and the tires are also soft enough to not cause any scuffmarks on your favorite furniture or the walls. As most parents know, most R/C cars will hit the walls and floor molding every 10 seconds at least, so this is a lifesaver. The car is also reported to be very quiet, which those of us familiar with R/C cars know this is a rare quality.

The remote, which will be a fascinating way to control the car for your toddler, has only two buttons:  forward and reverse. That’s a simple introduction into this fun toy genre for any child, and it’ll have him or her racing through the hallways in no time. And the car itself is entertaining enough that some report their children loving to play with it even when the batteries are dead!

Drawbacks and Possible Negatives

There have been some reports of users having a hard time with the battery compartment of the Tonka Bounce Back Racer. The compartments are screwed down and in a configuration that may be somewhat difficult for some to open and close quickly. After orienting yourself to the method Tonka used, however, this should not be an issue.

Battery life is decent, but some parents have stated that with heavy use, batteries will probably need changing every couple of days. This is also not a deal breaker, as most R/C cars have about the same lifespan.


At this price level, the Bounce Back Racer is a solid entry into R/C cars for your little one. The rubbery-but-rugged material the car is made of makes it safe enough to run the car into any obstacle you can think of. Quiet operation and simple radio control benefits outweigh the limited battery life. Throw in the fact that it flips when it encounters a corner or wall and you’ve got a R/C winner. This little flipping Tonka Bounce Back Racer vehicle is recommended.


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